
How Do I Place an Order?
Simply click on the Photo or the Category Listing that you are looking to find the item(s) that you would like to purchase. Using the scroll bar located on the right side of your page scroll down to locate the item(s) in question. Once you have located the item(s) that you would like to purchase simply click on the photo or the item name. You will then have the option of choosing the quantity that you would like to purchase of that item. Once you have chosen the quantity you would like to purchase you will then proceed to click Add to Cart. You may click on the correct icon to continue shopping or complete the placing of your order by following the prompts.

How Do I Return to Checking Out When I Accidentally Click the Continue Shopping Icon?
Located near the top left side of the page you will find the heading Your Cart (in yellow). You may choose to either click View Cart to verify the items that you have purchased thus far or click Checkout to proceed with finalizing your Order.

What If I Refer Someone to Tri-Lab Products Inc.?
We Welcome all referrals and Thank You for your consideration. Any one who refers a prospective client to Tri-Lab will receive 2 bottles of Color, Free! However, to insure you receive your 2 free colors make sure you inform your friend to mention your full name when placing their first order.

What is "My Favorites"?
My Favorites is a list of products that you normally purchase when ordering via our Website. If you have any number of products that you order on a regular basis, My Favorites allows you store them indefinitely. Simply add your favorite products to My Favorites and the next time you order on-line all you need to do is click on My Favorites and click Add to Cart next to the item you want to purchase. No need to go to 5 different areas of our website to find your items. It's Quick and Easy order accessing, cut your ordering time in half.

How Do I Access My Favorites?
First make sure that you have logged in using your user name and password, if you are not logged in you will not be able to access My Favorites. After logging in click on any group of products, then proceed to click on any individual item that you may order on a regular basis. Proceed to click on Add to My Favorites (located right below Add to Cart). This item will then be placed in My Favorites for your future easy access ordering.

What is the purpose of the Update Icon?
The Update Icon is used any time that you change the quantity of an Item that you have purchased. When you add an Item to your cart, however, you later decide to change the Quantity you must click the View Cart Icon (seen in yellow in the upper left side of the page). You will then proceed to click into the white box showing the quantity of the item in question and change the number accordingly. Once you have completed this change, please click the Update Icon to refresh the quantity change you have just made. You may click the View Cart Icon again to verify that the change you have made has been properly updated.